**** MA
Council for Home Care Aide Services – FY 2013 NOI Application Communication
On August 31st, the Executive
Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) plans to open the FY13 Homemaker
Notification of Intent (NOI) to Contract process. The Homemaker NOI
is the process home care agencies must complete if they are interested in
contracting with the state’s network of 27 Aging Services Access Points
(ASAPs) to provide homemaker and personal care homemaker services through the
state Home Care program. The FY13 Homemaker NOI instructions and documents can
be found on: https://noi.800ageinfo.com.
All home care agencies that
previously completed the electronic Homemaker NOI and are on the list of
“Current Providers” should receive an email entitled, “NOI corporate data
confirmation/ update request”. This email will be sent to the person
listed as the main contact for your agency. This notification will
contain information on how to go to the Homemaker NOI website and verify your
current profile. Home care agencies that previously completed the online
Homemaker NOI process do not need to complete the FY13 Homemaker NOI
application again this year. You will only need to confirm/update
your corporate data as instructed in this email.