As of August 1, 2016, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs will implement an upgrade to the current online NOI Provider Contracting System. The upgrade includes sought-after enhancements that will increase efficiency for all parties.
The new NOI Provider Contracting System offers several improvements, including:
- Easier navigation and improved user interface
- NOI “open” period will be greatly expanded, unavailable only when the system is undergoing maintenance.
- Providers can update their information anytime the system is available.
- Virtually the entire process, from application to contract execution and amendments, can be completed online.
To implement the new system, all current providers must register and complete an application on or after August 1, 2016, no later than September 1, 2016.
- No provider information from the current system will be brought into the new NOI System.
New bidders may access the new NOI System after September 1, 2016.
Previously approved providers will not be re-evaluated, but still must register and submit an application in order to use the new NOI.
Training for the new NOI Provider Contracting System will be conducted by webinar. All providers must attend one of the sessions. The webinars will be recorded and made available online upon completion.
Training Sessions: New NOI System Training for Providers
- Tuesday, July 26, 2016 -- 10am – 12noon
- Thursday July 28, 2016 -- 2pm – 4pm
The content for these webinars will be identical- it is not necessary to attend both.
Webinar information for both training sessions:
Web link:
Dial in: (712)-775-7031
Access Code: 745-027-255
User guides and other documentation will be available prior to the training webinars. Please check this website often for any announcements, including possible changes in schedule.